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The many individuals & suppliers I have met along the way who have helped & supported me...Thank you!








Pietenpol Family - Original Air Camper plans.

Tom - located in Newcastle, NSW. Has aircraft grade spruce available to purchase. Ph: 02 49696464

Zenith Timber Industries - Supplier of AS2272 AA-A Bond Marine Grade Hoop Pine Ply.

Just Chrome - 5/8 Hargrave Street, Tamworth. PH: 0414 658958.

Mark Petniunas - Rebuilt Corvair heads for aircraft conversions.

Performance Metals - Supplier of all the metal used in the build.

BoatCraft - located in Queensland. Supplier of T88 Adhesive.

Roys Garage - Corvair 5th bearing and aero conversions.

FlyCorvair - William Wynne's Corvair conversions.

California Import Parts - Original Bosch Blue Coil.

AN Bolts - Supplier of AN hardware in Australia.

Corvair 5th Bearing - Dan's Corvair 5th bearing.

Buchanan's Spoke & Rim - Spoked wheels.

Summit Racing - Gauges and ignition parts.

George Abernathy - Laser cut metal fittings.

Oscar Zuniga - Brass Pietenpol placards.

Thompson Aeronautical - Wood Props.

Airdrome Aeroplanes - Spoked wheels.

Clark's Corvair Parts - Corvair parts.

Aircraft Spruce & Specialty

Western Aircraft Supplies

Wicks Aircraft Supplies

QED Hardware


Pietenpol & Corvair Builders


Peter Johnson - Completed and flown a Corvair powered Pietenpol Air Camper in Australia.

Andrew Carter - Andrew purchased this Subaru EA81 powered Pietenpol from Queensland.

Mike Cuy in the USA - Mike's Pietenpol build film documentary.

Christopher Pryce took these photos from Corvair College #20

Kevin Purtee - Corvair Pietenpol departing for Brodhead 2011

Piet builders at French Valley Airport in Southern California.

Dan Helsper's Ford powered Piet arriving at Brodhead

Dan Helsper flying his Piet at Poplar Grove Airport

Jack Phillips Pietenpol Air Camper - NX899JP

Jeff Faith - Ford A Pietenpol Air Camper

ZK-PAC first flight in New Zealand

Pietenpol Air Camper - NX770CG

Mark Langfords Corvair Rebuild

Matt Paxtons Air Camper Build

MyKitPlane Air Camper Builds.

ZK-PAC Corvair engine run

GN-1 Aircamper - N74DV

The Pietenpol Air Camper

Brodhead III 2011

Brodhead IV 2011

West Coast Piets

Jack Textors

Piet video


References, Articles & Fun Stuff!


INSPECTION AND REPAIR. This is a must have for any Aircraft builder. Recognised as the "Bible" for Aircraft building and repair. Distributed from the FAA. Can be downloaded from the net or the RAA here in Australia sells a bound copy.

Pietenpol Air Camper paper plane - Free download I found on the web! (4.27mb pdf file)

Radio Control Pietenpol Air Camper - You Tube video

Lacing & Truing spoked wheels

Flying and Glider Manual 1932

The Pride of Cherry Grove

70 Years of the Pietenpol


Associations & Forums


The Australian Vintage Aviation Society - Australia

Recreational Aviation Australia - Australia.

The UK Pietenpol Club - United Kingdom.

Brodhead Pietenpol Association - USA.

Recreational Flying Forum - Australia.

Matronics Pietenpol Forum

SAAA - Australia.


Individual people along the way who have helped in some way...Thank you!


George Abernathy - Canberra

Wayne Mathews - Gunnedah

Shannon Tolmie - Tamworth

Chad Summers - Tamworth

Arthur Johnson - Brisbane

Andrew Carter - Brisbane

Norm Howie - Tamworth

Greg Gaskin - Tamworth

Phil Ridgway - Canberra

Peter Johnson - Victoria

Mark Adams - Sydney

Dave Brown - Lithgow

Fred DeLoera - USA

Steve Kurash - USA

Kevin Purtee - USA

Chris Tracy - USA

Jim Markle - USA

Ron Milan - USA

Mike Cuy - USA



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